
BEST Program

Building Employment Skills for Today’s Youth (BEST) Program is a 50 hour course (3 days each week) where young adults ages 18-29 receiving Employment and Income Assistance benefits will learn the skills they need to succeed in employment. Skills like conflict resolution and stress management are things we forget about when supporting young people looking for a job. These skills are actually an important part to keeping a job long term!   

The BEST Program focuses on soft skills and traditional employment skills such as digital literacy and workplace advocacy to ensure a smooth transition to independence. You will also learn how to manage stress in the workplace and keep a strong work/life balance. 

To sign up for BEST, you can talk to your EIA Case Manager or email with your case number and full name. You will be booked for a 1 hour appointment to discuss the barriers and challenges you experience while finding work. Don’t worry, this is not a test – we just want to know how BEST can help you and if it is the right fit!  

BEST runs from Monday to Wednesday from 10am – 3pm for three weeks. Once you complete an intake, you can start BEST on any Monday that works for you.  

During the BEST Program, you will receive bus fare and a daily lunch. All classroom supplies are provided for you.  

After finishing the BEST Program, you will receive a certificate of completion and an honorarium. You will be also connected to a YES Manitoba staff member to search for work that you will enjoy. Ongoing support will ensure that you are successful in the way that suits you BEST!  

 The BEST Program covers the following topics:  

  • SMART Goal Setting  
  • Digital Literacy  
  • Budgeting  
  • Debt, Credit, and Banking  
  • Service Navigation  
  • Conflict Resolution  
  • Stress Management  
  • Mental Wellness in the Workplace  
  • Workplace Rights, Responsibilities, and Advocacy  

And more!   

If you are interested in the BEST Program, contact for more information. The next class starts April 3, 2024! 

EIA case managers can refer clients to the BEST Program by emailing with the potential client’s full name, case number, and contact information.